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The most Incredible trip to Ireland

For a time this summer I grew to call this place home, I walked barefoot everywhere, I hung

out with the locals, I tried all kinds of new food, I went on new crazy adventures every day and saw new amazing things every day.

I became comfortable with the unknown. I was stretched to solve problems that I would never imagined I would have to handle.

Now that I have come back home, I have had time to reflect on what I experienced,

I have realized how much it has changed my perspective on life. This trip made me realize how much I love to travel and experience

new things and new people. The joy of experiencing something for the first time. Gave me a Child like joy that I had never felt

before. I also realized even more, how important community is to me. Seeing these incredible places, and trying all these new things,

it incredible on its own, but for me is no where near as enjoyable as experiencing it with other people, struggling through the lows,

and laughing through the highs.

While I lived in Ireland, I lived with 25 other college students and professors. We lived in Greystone's, which is about an hour south of

Dublin, and right on the coast. The hostel Coolnegreina, where we lived in Greystone's, was a YWCA affiliate, owned by now one of my

favorite families, the Ellis's. It was about a 2 minute walk from the Irish Sea. Over the course of the time in country we traveled to all

four corners of the country, hiking and eating our way through the country.

These photos are just a sampling of the thousands of photos I took while I was exploring Ireland. All photos are either taken by me or

of me.

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